Microsoft windows license renewal phone call
Microsoft windows license renewal phone call

microsoft windows license renewal phone call

If you hold a valid Microsoft role-based or specialty certification that expires within approximately six months, you may renew it.

microsoft windows license renewal phone call

  • Renew your certification for free, without having to pass any exam(s).
  • Validate your skills with the latest technology updates that affect the job role.
  • Maintain your Microsoft Certification with a continuous learning mindset and keep your skills current at no cost.

    Take the free online assessment and pass it before your certification expires.Prepare with the collection of learning modules on Microsoft Learn.Go to Microsoft Learn to connect your learn profile with your certification profile.You can renew any time at your convenience soon after the renewal window opens, approximately six months prior to certification expiration Three steps to renew your certification Learning modules are available to help you prepare for renewal.

    microsoft windows license renewal phone call

    Renewal is free, and the process doesn’t involve taking an exam with Pearson VUE. Renewal content covers technology updates only, making it shorter and less time consuming. Certification renewal is designed to promote continuous learning and help you keep up with technology updates. You can renew a Microsoft certification by simply passing the online renewal assessment on Microsoft Learn. Microsoft role-based and specialty certifications expire every year, unless renewed. In this article Important information about Microsoft Certification expiration and renewal

    Microsoft windows license renewal phone call